Operating a plough to distillery has major benefits when it comes to our environmental impact.

Minimal Miles
Transport is the largest contributor to carbon emissions in the UK.
Because our spirit is made from potatoes grown on our family farm, they travel a maximum of 5 miles from field to distillery reducing carbon emissions.
Solar Energy
Like many food and drink producers, we consume a large amount of energy during the manufacturing process.
To reduce our carbon footprint, we covered our roof in photovoltaic solar panels, enabling our stills to run on Cornish sunshine.
And when the sun goes down, all the electricity we consume is offset by renewable energy via a green energy tariff.
Zero Waste
With every bottle of vodka requiring five kilos of potatoes to produce, we must input tonnes of spuds a week to meet demand.
After we’ve produced our spirits, we have a waste product called ‘stillage’.
We spread our waste back onto grassland, making an entirely circular rotation for our humble spuds.

Experience our award winning distillery
Drink-in the heat, the aroma and the unique craftmanship.